Monday, May 2, 2016

To have or not to have....One more baby???

Just read my first blog from 2013! Never ending story

Wow how things have changed.  Just an update three years later....I started my own daycare business.  It was a flop.  Entirely too much work for absolutely no pay off.  Ugh.  Here's a new look on life....take everything in stride, stop trying to do too much, and live life!!!  Everything Baby and more???

One more baby?  Join me as my husband and I have been arguing back and forth for 2 years about to have or not to have one more baby.  Well, we got a dog about a year and a half we have 3 dogs.  Then about 4 months ago, we got a pig.  Not a pot belly, small, little pig...nope....a big Yorkshire pig.

Yup, that's her....Beatrice, Trice for short.  Not kidding, we got a pig because we had baby fever.  And it worked, for 4 months.  Until a couple of weeks ago my husband came home and told me he wanted another baby.  Now, I did say I didn't care whether we had one more or not and that it was completely up to him because I was content.  We talked and talked and talked (and I tried to talk him out of it).  It was decided we would start the process of getting pregnant, once again, but for the last time.

I go to the doctor today to remove my birth control.  It's a bitter sweet feeling.  I love all of my kids, and it's kind of scary to know that you'll have to spread your love to one more.  We all get so comfortable in life, but it can change with just one decision.  I'm excited, yet fearful, all in the same breath.  Before my husband left this morning, just to assure myself, I asked if he would make sure he stayed with me because I could not raise 4 kids alone.  In his joking manner he replied "We'll have to renegotiate the contract."  Nice move hubby, nice move.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Never ending story

Considering this is my first blog I hope I can fully create a blog that is worthwhile.  I have started this blog because I wanted to start a small business.  I figured it would be an easy way to earn some extra money and receive feedback from consumers about the small business I intend to start.  My mind wanders a million miles a minute and I constantly have new ideas for this business and several others.  I think my other goal for this blog is to track my personal thoughts to decide what my goals in life really are.
I am a mother of three wonderful children.  I am married to what seems like the most complex and diverse husband ever, but I think that's why I love him, plus many more reasons.  Everyday of my life there is another hurdle that has be jumped over, or another twist to my never ending story.  Have you had times in your life when you have felt the same way?  Never ending story, too many possibilities, too many life goals, too many ideas.  I feel like this is the way my life will be forever!!!
I definitely have too much going on in my life.  We have just had a very traumatic experience in our lives happen to us with the passing of my father-in-law.  An experience that I've never had to witness or experience in my life.  After his passing I have felt the urge to become an entrepreneur, if not solely for the purpose of filling his shoes, or something of that sort.
My thoughts were to start a consignment/retail store in my community.  However, I have no start up money, so then I moved on to starting an online business, and then my thoughts were to just make diaper cakes to sell for extra money for the time being.  With that being said I left out the part that I work full time, and am a full time student.    And if that doesn't say that I'm too busy I have a house that needs to be cleaned, children to take care of, and extra curricular activities that they are involved in, all while keeping my sanity and making sure I take care of me.
So what I ask of those reading this blog is what they think about starting up a consignment/retail store in my community containing products for children 5 and under.  My thoughts were to incorporate a lot of local businesses who make products or offer services for the same age range to promote in my store as well.  I really feel the need to start my own business in some way, hopefully it will come to me in some way, at some time.